Home remedies to cure tick fever

Home remedies to cure tick fever

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Ticks are arachnids belonging to the same family as spiders and scorpions. Unlike fleas, ticks have a relatively slow pace of movement and cannot jump. Instead, they wait in grass, shrubs, or on the tips of vegetation for a host to pass by. When an animal brushes against plants, the tick attaches itself and feeds on the blood. Ticks can spread different diseases to both animals and humans while they provide.

Tick fever in dogs

Tick fever in dogs is a group of illnesses caused by different bacteria spread by ticks. One common type is Ehrlichiosis, caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia canis. Another type is anaplasmosis, caused by the Anaplasma bacteria species. Dogs usually get these diseases when infected ticks bite them, like the brown dog or lone star tick.

Types of tick fever

Dogs can get different kinds of tick fever, and they happen because of various bacteria types passed on by ticks when they bite. The two most common types of tick fever affecting dogs are Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis:

1. Ehrlichiosis: Caused by various species of Ehrlichia species, with Ehrlichia canis being a primary culprit.


  • It may include fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, joint pain, and, in severe cases, bleeding disorders.
  • It can have acute, subclinical, or chronic phases.

2. Anaplasmosis: This is brought about by bacteria belonging to the genus Anaplasma, and common species include Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Anaplasma  platys.


  • It may include fever, joint pain, lethargy, and in some cases, vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • It can affect both dogs and humans.

How do dogs become infected with tick fever?

Dogs may contact tick fever through various means, with the primary route being contact with an infected tick. Ticks acquire the infection from other animals and transmit it to dogs during a bite. Additionally, dogs can get infected by consuming an animal carrying the disease, such as a mouse or deer.

Symptoms of tick fever

The signs of tick fever in dogs can differ based on the particular bacteria, the dogs health, and the infection stage. Typical indications may include:

1. Fever: In dogs with tick fever, the fever can be persistent or come and go intermittently.

2. Lethargy: Dogs infected with tick fever often lack energy or interest in activities they typically enjoy. They may appear tired, sluggish, or less playful than usual.

3. Loss of Appetite: Tick fever can cause a dog to refuse food or eat less than usual. This decrease in appetite is often noticeable and can contribute to weight loss over time.

4. Enlarged Lymph Nodes: Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and can become swollen or enlarged in response to infection. In tick fever cases, you may feel or observe swelling around the neck, behind the jaw, or in other areas.

5. Joint Pain: When dogs have tick fever, they might feel stiff or have joint trouble. It can show up as difficulty walking, not wanting to move much, or changing how they walk. Joint pain is a typical sign in certain types of tick fever.

6. Bruising or Nosebleeds: There might be signs of bleeding problems in severe tick fever. Unusual bleeding, like bruising or nosebleeds, can happen. This indicates that the infection has progressed and affected the dog's blood clotting abilities.

How can you find out if a dog has tick fever?

To find out if your dog has tick fever, the vet will first check your dog for ticks and look for signs of sickness, like feeling too warm, tired, or not wanting to eat.

Then, they might do a blood test. This test can show if there are extraordinary things in the blood that tell us if the dog has been infected. If your dog has tick fever, the vet will give them antibiotics to help them get better. If your dog is very sick, they might have to stay at the vet's office for a bit. Sometimes, if tick fever is terrible, it can be dangerous, so it's super important to take your dog to the vet quickly if you think they might be sick.

Home remedies to cure tick fever

Here are some home remedies to help repel and remove ticks from your pets:

1. Salt: If you're dealing with ticks in your home, you can use regular table salt to remove them. Just sprinkle salt on your floors and furniture. Do it at night and then vacuum it up in the morning. If you have carpets, leave the salt on for at least a week before vacuuming. Salt works like magic to dry out and break apart tick eggs and little ticks. Easy peasy!

2. Boric acid (Borax): You can find boric acid in some flea powders at the store. If you have ticks in your carpets, you can sprinkle boric acid on them. But here's the trick: boric acid can only kill the baby ticks (called larvae) that are actively eating. It doesn't work on the grown-up ticks because they only feed on blood. So, if you're dealing with tiny ticks in your carpets, boric acid can help get rid of them. Just sprinkle it on and let it do its thing!

3. Detergent: You can use dishwashing liquid to remove ticks on your pet. Here's how: put a good amount of soap on your pet, more than you'd use for a regular bath. Let your pet sit with the soap for 15-30 minutes. Then, rinse them well and let them dry inside. Just remember, this might irritate your pet's skin, and it won't work on baby ticks or their eggs. But for the big ticks, it's a good trick!

4. Eucalyptus oil:Eucalyptus oil is like a superhero against ticks—it can kill and keep them away. Make a spray by mixing 4 ounces of clean water with 20 drops of eucalyptus oil. Then, spray it on yourself and your pet. It's like a shield that protects you both from those pesky ticks. It is easy and smells nice, too!

5. Bleach: Bleach is like a superhero that can quickly eliminate ticks. If you find a tick, put it in a little container with bleach. The bleach has strong stuff that makes the tick go away fast. Just be careful and use a small container so the bleach can do its job!

6. Rubbing alcohol: It is like a superhero that can make ticks disappear. Once you remove the tick, place it in a cup filled with alcohol and seal it with a lid. This keeps the tick from getting away, and the alcohol makes sure it's gone for good.

7. Water and mow your lawn: Ticks like warm and dry places, especially in tall grass and wooded areas. To make your yard less tick-friendly, mow the grass around your house. Cut it short and keep it watered well. This way, fewer ticks will hang around, making it safer for you and your pets. Easy steps for a tick-free lawn!

8. Essential oils: A great way to keep ticks and fleas away from dogs is by using essential oils. You can apply oils like rose geranium to your dog's collar, and it will make ticks and fleas stay away. Essential oils don't have any added chemicals, so the chance of their irritation is meager. But remember, constantly mix essential oils with something before using them directly on your dog's skin. Some good oils are tea tree oil, peppermint, citronella, and more. Removing ticks and fleas from your dog on time is essential to avoid any problems.

9. Citrus Juice: Ticks and fleas don't like citrus smells. You can keep them away from your dog by making a simple spray. Just squeeze a few drops of juice from oranges, lemons, or other citrus fruits. Gently spray it around your dog. This creates a tick and flea shield. But be careful; don't put too much directly on your dog's skin because if they lick it, it might cause skin problems or even serious issues like liver damage. So, a little spray is good, but only a little!

9. Neem oil: Neem oil has been around forever, and it's not just suitable for people; it's great for dogs, too! Using neem oil on your dog can keep away bugs and nasty chemicals. Neem oil is safe because it has no bad stuff, and dogs usually don't lick it because it tastes bitter. It's like a superhero against ticks and fleas and can make your dog's itchy skin feel better. You can find neem-based sprays for dogs easily in stores, too!

10. Apple Cider Vinegar: Keeping ticks and fleas away from your dog is easy with apple cider vinegar. Mix 4 cups of water, 6 cups of apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of salt, and stir it well. Put this mixture on your dog's collar. This special mix changes your dog's skin, making ticks and fleas not want to stay. It's like a magic shield for your furry friend!

11. Flea Comb: There are special combs made just for getting rid of ticks and fleas on dogs. You can get them at any pet store. These combs don't have any chemicals, so they're safe to use. If you find fleas on your dog's bed, you can use this comb to remove them before trying other ways to get rid of ticks and fleas. This comb also works well in removing flea eggs on your dog's skin. It's an easy and safe way to keep your furry pal bug-free!

12. Organic Soaps: To protect your dog from ticks and fleas, use organic soaps instead of shampoos with chemicals. Soaps like peppermint or rose soap are great choices. They make your dog clean, smell nice and tick-free after a bath. These organic soaps are made from natural stuff and have no destructive chemicals so they won't harm your dog. It's an easy way to keep your dog fresh and happy!

13. Mouthwash:Mouthwash is easy to use. Just pour a lot on a cotton ball or tissue and put it on the part that needs help.

14. Clove - To make a natural tick repellent using cloves, you'll need three camphor crystals and three dried cloves. Mix them in 1 litre of alcohol until they dissolve entirely. Then, add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. Put the mixture in a spray bottle on your pet's fur, avoiding its eyes and mouth. Let it sit for 2 hours, and then rinse it with water. This helps keep ticks away due to cloves' anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

How can you protect against getting tick fever?

Here's how to keep your dog safe from tick fever:

1. Get Your Dog Vaccinated: Ensure your dog gets shots to protect against tick fever. It's like a shield for them.

2. Choose Safe Areas: Avoid bringing your dog to areas where tick fever is known to be present. Stay away from those spots.

3. Use Tick Prevention Products: Keep your dog safe with things like tick collars or unique treatments. It's like armour against ticks.

4. Check for Ticks: Look over your dog regularly, especially if they've been in areas with ticks. If you find a tick, take it off right away.

5. Tick-Shielding Shampoo: Wash your dog with a special tick shampoo. It's like a superhero bath that fights off ticks and keeps your furry baby safe. Just lather it up, rinse, and see those ticks run away!

6. Powder Power Against Ticks: Sprinkle tick powder on your dog. It's like magic dust that makes ticks disappear. This powder creates a barrier so that ticks won't bother your pet. Easy to use, and your dog stays tick-free.